Vedic Horoscope Reading | Medical Astrology | Counselling & Coaching | Business Advisory

Tarot Card Reading/ General Consultation
Ask your questions, discuss your issues and get answers in-person!
Service Description
Tarot Card Reading includes three questions/answers. General Consultation is time based and there is no limit on number of questions. You may ask questions or discuss problems about any aspect of your life or horoscope. You may ask when that best career opportunity shall come knocking your doors or may be who your actual soulmate and when you will meet him/her. You can ask about the happening of all big and small events in your life, say, when to buy a house, whether to take a loan or not, how to invest to remain most profitable, or any other personal or work related question that you want to make decision about. You'll have your best advisor's answers from us. The personal consultation can be recorded on request and provided at a charge.